ML Sponder (Mel Sponder, or Mel) is a computer/fine artist and spiritual researcher who lives in the United States and travels to Cairo, Egypt and the UK often. He is well-versed in comparative religion, meditation traditions, and metaphysics. This book marks his first venture into publishing metaphysical work; Mel integrates timeless spiritual wisdom with his extensive spiritual studies in Eastern religion, theosophy, Biogeomerty, Toltec and Astec metaphysics, and healing, experiences, and understanding of subtle energies to offer practical guidance for the advancement of humanity in a positive direction. ML Sponder has collaborated with Debbie Divine to oversee the design and development of the Thoth’s Ascension Oracle cards, which are currently in the progress of development, with a few prototype cards included in this book.
He combined the channeled materials with his own experiences in comparative religion and spirituality to weave this book and figure out his own life simultaneously. The process is like what he experiences when he builds a course or authors a book; you only know what the result is going to look like once you mix all the ingredients and bake them in the oven or on the stove. We hope the reader enjoys the meal we created for them. As the lead author, editor, and illustrator for this work, ML Sponder has allowed the book to speak for itself and has otherwise attempted to diminish his presence, positioning himself as an observer and onlooker.
Debbie Divine is a highly regarded spiritual medium and transformational guide based in the UK. She is celebrated for her profound intuitive abilities. Her near-death experience connected her to mystical realms, shaping her unique perspective and enhancing her capabilities. Inspired by guidance from the ascended master Thoth, Debbie is dedicated to supporting others on their awakening journeys with compassion. A significant portion of the channeling materials and the overall structure of this book has been contributed by Debbie. She is also in the process of developing an Ascension card oracle deck. In addition, she offers an online, hybrid mediumship course, providing opportunities for individuals to deepen their understanding of mediumship. Debbie has also created a card deck titled “I Believe in Angels” and authored a book called “Mastering Mediumship.” Furthermore, she is currently compiling her biography, which will be released in 2025. Debbie offers numerous courses both online and in-person at her home in the UK and volunteers as a marking tutor for a local education and exponents committee. In addition to her roles as a teacher and author, she is a well-known medium and a successful businesswoman. To learn more about Debbie’s divine programs and services, please visit her website at www.divinemessenger.
About the Authors
ML Sponder (Mel Sponder, or Mel) is a computer/fine artist and spiritual researcher who lives in the United States and travels to Cairo, Egypt and the UK often. He is well-versed in comparative religion, meditation traditions, and metaphysics. This book marks his first venture into publishing metaphysical work; Mel integrates timeless spiritual wisdom with his extensive spiritual studies in Eastern religion, theosophy, Biogeomerty, Toltec and Astec metaphysics, and healing, experiences, and understanding of subtle energies to offer practical guidance for the advancement of humanity in a positive direction. ML Sponder has collaborated with Debbie Divine to oversee the design and development of the Thoth’s Ascension Oracle cards, which are currently in the progress of development, with a few prototype cards included in this book.
He combined the channeled materials with his own experiences in comparative religion and spirituality to weave this book and figure out his own life simultaneously. The process is like what he experiences when he builds a course or authors a book; you only know what the result is going to look like once you mix all the ingredients and bake them in the oven or on the stove. We hope the reader enjoys the meal we created for them. As the lead author, editor, and illustrator for this work, ML Sponder has allowed the book to speak for itself and has otherwise attempted to diminish his presence, positioning himself as an observer and onlooker.
Debbie Divine is a highly regarded spiritual medium and transformational guide based in the UK. She is celebrated for her profound intuitive abilities. Her near-death experience connected her to mystical realms, shaping her unique perspective and enhancing her capabilities. Inspired by guidance from the ascended master Thoth, Debbie is dedicated to supporting others on their awakening journeys with compassion. A significant portion of the channeling materials and the overall structure of this book has been contributed by Debbie. She is also in the process of developing an Ascension card oracle deck. In addition, she offers an online, hybrid mediumship course, providing opportunities for individuals to deepen their understanding of mediumship. Debbie has also created a card deck titled “I Believe in Angels” and authored a book called “Mastering Mediumship.” Furthermore, she is currently compiling her biography, which will be released in 2025. Debbie offers numerous courses both online and in-person at her home in the UK and volunteers as a marking tutor for a local education and exponents committee. In addition to her roles as a teacher and author, she is a well-known medium and a successful businesswoman. To learn more about Debbie’s divine programs and services, please visit her website at www.divinemessenger.